| by Charlie Sheng | 1 comment

Gojek vs Grab Market Share Report 2022 Q1: Ride-hailing

Before the impending IPO of GoTo Group, it’s about time to update the latest market share of Southeast Asia’s biggest super apps: Gojek and Grab. At Measurable AI, we build and own a unique consumer panel and are the largest transactional email receipt data provider for the emerging markets, delivering both aggregated and raw data. […]

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| by Michelle Tang | No comments

A Grab Explainer: FoodDelivery, Rideshare, and More

Founded in 2012, Southeast Asia’s super app Grab is seeking an IPO through SPAC merger, which reportedly might become the biggest-ever U.S. equity offering by a South-East Asian company. Grab provides essential services including rideshare, food delivery, hotel booking, on-demand delivery, and payment services with its namesake mobile application. It now serves 670 million people […]

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