| by Esther Kwong | No comments

McDonald’s Coffee “Retirement” Report Revealed ☕️ Big Data Analysis of Hongkongers’ Fast Food Ordering Habits (Part 1)

McDonald’s Hong Kong recently announced the retirement of its two legacy coffee products, paving the way for an upgrade to McCafé’s coffee. As we bid farewell to these legacy coffee products that have accompanied loyal Hongkongers for years, it’d be interesting to see what the order volume figures were like from Measurable AI’s proprietary e-receipt datasets.

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| by Charlie Sheng | No comments

Introducing Measurable AI’s Big Mac Food Delivery Index

The Big Mac Index, introduced by The Economist in 1986, is a simple and popular tool comparing the price of a Big Mac burger in different countries, and helps show if a country’s currency is overvalued or undervalued.  But have you ever wondered how online delivery platforms, a phenomenon that’s surged since and post pandemic, […]

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| by Charlie Sheng | No comments

Top Restaurant Chains on Food Delivery Apps in Hong Kong

Which restaurant chain is winning over the food delivery apps in Hong Kong monopoly market, according to Measurable AI’s transactional e-receipt data?

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