MBTI Mysteries Solved: A Deep Dive into E-Receipt Data Insights
People use different dimensions to define or differentiate themselves, from basics like age and gender to more intricate factors like blood type, zodiac signs, and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). MBTI classifies individuals into 16 categories based on traits like Introverted (I) vs. Extroverted (E), Intuition (N) vs. Observant (S), Feeling (F) vs. Thinking (T), Prospecting (P) vs. Judging (J). Some use MBTI for job screening, others as an icebreaker on dating apps. I’m an ISFJ with a variant trait. What’s your MBTI?
Measurable AI has compiled aggregate data encompassing individuals across all 16 MBTI personality types from emails sourced through 16 Personalities. We have delved into their alternative data to understand how people with different MBTI types navigate the world of big data. Let’s uncover some intriguing insights!
At Measurable AI, we build and own a unique consumer panel and are the largest transactional email receipt data provider for emerging markets including Southeast Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa. We are well regarded for our comprehensive dataset across the digital economy including food-delivery, ride-hailing, and e-commerce.
Mediator INFP: The largest “population” in Measurable AI panel
According to Measurable AI’s exclusive e-receipt panel, the Mediators (INFP) constitute the largest portion, making up 14.7% of our sources of data point, who are known for their introspective and creative nature. Following closely behind are INFJs at 11.5%, characterized by their empathetic and insightful qualities while ENFJs are at 10.7%, exhibiting strong leadership and interpersonal skills.
When we divide the pie by each trait, we can tell I, N, and D traits surpass E, S, and T traits by around 20% each, making a 6:4 ratio for these dimensions and suggesting more inner reflection, imagination, and emphasis on personal values and emotions. Regarding the J vs. P dimension, our panel is almost evenly balanced, indicating a mix of adaptability and structured planning.

Which MBTI types are the biggest spenders on food delivery?
The Architects (INTJ) are believed to love perfecting the details of life and pride themselves on their ability to think for themselves. Surprisingly, they are the top spenders, with an average order value of 2022 in Foodpanda exceeding USD $40. In contrast, the Entrepreneurs (ESTP) have the lowest average order value at USD $11.
We first anticipated that introverted individuals are more likely to order food delivery as they might refuse to eat out. Yet, data shows that the top 3 MBTI with the highest annual food delivery frequency are ESTJ, INTJ, and INFJ, all of whom share the common trait of Judging, who are characterized as always keeping a checklist in their mind. This suggests that for these individuals, ordering food delivery holds a significant place on their daily checklist, emphasizing the importance of this convenient dining option in their daily lives.

More than 50 Uber rides in a year: the Debater ENTP
Interestingly, when we analyzed the annual ordering frequency of Uber rides, the top three MBTI personality types with the highest ride counts all exhibit the Thinking trait: ENTP (51 rides), ENTJ (48 rides), and ISTJ (37 rides), indicating that these T passengers are more likely to spend money to exchange for convenience.
The graph illustrates annual order frequency differences between contrasting traits. Extroverts (26 orders) tend to use Uber more than Introverts (23 orders), hinting at a link between sociability and ride-hail usage. Those favoring Intuition (26 orders) over Observant (22 orders) also lean towards Uber, indicating that intuitive thinkers may prefer ride-hailing services. Notably, individuals with a Thinking (27 orders) preference over Feeling (23 orders) traits use Uber the most, suggesting a penchant for logical decision-making in transportation choices. The Prospecting (23 orders) and Judging (25 orders) traits exhibit balanced usage, showing that both spontaneous and planned thinkers rely on Uber regularly.

Netflix vs. Disney+: The Ultimate Showdown and the ENFJ Fanbase
We have also taken a look into online streaming platform competition between the two giants Netflix and Disney+, and we uncovered that both players have the same biggest fan – the Protagonists (ENFJ). Out of all the ENFJ users, an impressive 15% and 9% are Netflix and Disney+ subscribers respectively.
These statistics, which rank the highest among all 16 MBTI types for each platform, challenge the stereotype that Protagonists are just boring do-gooders. Instead, it suggests that they take immense pleasure in indulging in their hobbies, be it binge-watching dramas, reality shows, or documentaries, making them the true aficionados of both streaming worlds.

In summary, it’s intriguing to note the diversity in personality types, reflecting the multifaceted nature of human personalities and how individuals approach life, relationships, and decision-making in different ways, with reference to their various aspects of digital life.
At Measurable AI, we keep using alternative data sources to uncover more intriguing patterns. Whether you’re an INTJ, ENTP, or ENFJ, remember that data has something to say about all of us, and we’re here to decode it.
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About Measurable AI
At Measurable AI, we build and own a unique email receipt consumer panel and have become the largest transactional email receipt data provider for emerging markets. We are well regarded for the granular insights that can be extracted from our comprehensive datasets across the digital economy, including e-commerce, food delivery, ride-hailing and fintech.
Check out our latest Reports: 2019-2022 Food Delivery Annual Report for Asia, Asia & Americas Ride-hailing Report 2019-2023.
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